Istanbul Teknik | EN

Istanbul Teknik Our Principles

We are Expert in Our Field

We need to possess the technical knowledge required to fully meet the needs in our business field.

We are Pioneer

We need to know the next step before anyone else and take action for it.

We are Different

Even for standard products and services, İstanbul Teknik should have difference so that it could be chosen by its customers.

We are Determined

We are patient in the implementation of the decisions taken. The bigger the decision is, the more patience and effort it takes.

We are Respectful

Whatever the conditions, we act with social respect both internally and externally.

We are Positive

We are hopeful for the future. As we look into the future, we first see the opportunities and possibilities, not obstacles.

We are Open to Innovations

We need to constantly pursue innovation. Even if our turnover grows, our knowledge should grow likewise.

We are Collaborative

We may not achieve our goals alone. To achieve our goals, we need to act together with our our suppliers and customers based on common ground.

We are Fast

We act quickly both in meeting the needs of our customers and making decisions internally.

We are Reliable

Everyone knows that İstanbul Teknik will keep its promises and commitments even if they are not written, and that it will not cause any problems.